CODE: 1832-0431-4852 FORMAT: First to 3 win by 2 SERVER: NAE LOOT: Gold Pump, Blue AR and Minis
CODE: 1832-0431-4852 FORMAT: First to 3 win by 2 SERVER: NAE LOOT: Gold Pump, Blue AR and Minis
Once a full match has been played out you cannot replay it. If you have an issue in the match you need to stop before it finishes. *For example, if you play on the wrong server for the whole thing you cannot replay it. If a tournament admin says something then it's final, if you are making the experience worse for other players you might be removed.
Once a full match has been played out you cannot replay it. If you have an issue in the match you need to stop before it finishes. *For example, if you play on the wrong server for the whole thing you cannot replay it. If a tournament admin says something then it's final, if you are making the experience worse for other players you might be removed.