- Please send Chaotic Recode deck link to Bulba with your deck lists when you register on Discord. Instructions: Go to Chaoticrecode.com > Login with Discord > Authorize > Deck Builder > New Deck > Type card names in the forms along the bottom > Save > Get Sharable Deck Link > Copy URL - The format will be standard 6v6 according to the current 6v6 banlist, please double check as there may have been changes from last month. Decks should include: 6 Creatures, 6 Battlegears, 20 Attacks (20 build points,) 6 Mugics, 20 Locations. - Acceptable proxies include average stat proxies of any officially released cards. For your convenience, high-quality proxies are available for purchase at bulbaxxor.com/shop/proxy. However, any proxy, regardless of quality, is permitted in this tournament and all future tournaments.
- Please send Chaotic Recode deck link to Bulba with your deck lists when you register on Discord. Instructions: Go to Chaoticrecode.com > Login with Discord > Authorize > Deck Builder > New Deck > Type card names in the forms along the bottom > Save > Get Sharable Deck Link > Copy URL - The format will be standard 6v6 according to the current 6v6 banlist, please double check as there may have been changes from last month. Decks should include: 6 Creatures, 6 Battlegears, 20 Attacks (20 build points,) 6 Mugics, 20 Locations. - Acceptable proxies include average stat proxies of any officially released cards. For your convenience, high-quality proxies are available for purchase at bulbaxxor.com/shop/proxy. However, any proxy, regardless of quality, is permitted in this tournament and all future tournaments.
- 1st Place: x4 German ZOTH booster, x1 proxy + $10usd genuine cards + playmat - 2nd Place: x2 German ZOTH booster, x1 proxy + $10usd genuine cards - 3rd Place: x1 German ZOTH booster, x1 proxy - Consolation Prize: x1 proxy - Each week, participants are required to communicate with their opponents to arrange a suitable time to play their match. Matches will be played once a week against a different opponent, following a Swiss-style pairing where winners will face winners and non-winners will face non-winners. - These tournaments are free and will be conducted via Discord using physical cards. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the tournaments, contact Bulba.
- 1st Place: x4 German ZOTH booster, x1 proxy + $10usd genuine cards + playmat - 2nd Place: x2 German ZOTH booster, x1 proxy + $10usd genuine cards - 3rd Place: x1 German ZOTH booster, x1 proxy - Consolation Prize: x1 proxy - Each week, participants are required to communicate with their opponents to arrange a suitable time to play their match. Matches will be played once a week against a different opponent, following a Swiss-style pairing where winners will face winners and non-winners will face non-winners. - These tournaments are free and will be conducted via Discord using physical cards. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the tournaments, contact Bulba.