Participation(Must Show Up): Title: Winston Cup Entry (12/6) Crowns: 5 1st Place: Title: Winston Cup Gold (12/6) Crowns: 20 2nd Place: Title: Winston Cup Silver(12/6) Crowns: 15 3rd Place: Title: Winston Cup Bronze (12/6) Crowns: 10
Participation(Must Show Up): Title: Winston Cup Entry (12/6) Crowns: 5 1st Place: Title: Winston Cup Gold (12/6) Crowns: 20 2nd Place: Title: Winston Cup Silver(12/6) Crowns: 15 3rd Place: Title: Winston Cup Bronze (12/6) Crowns: 10
Best Of 3 Double Elimination Standard MD Banlist
Best Of 3 Double Elimination Standard MD Banlist